Time in Nature

There is a growing body of research and evidence proving the large number of benefits associated with spending time in nature / green spaces. Even looking out the window at green space is beneficial. If you can’t physically get outside, at least look out the window if you have a green space or bring up …

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This topic could go many directions. Take it any way your mind would like to go. Here are two interesting perspectives. As we get older, we have the amazing capability to continue to move, interact and find pleasure in life. Watch this impressive and heart warming video of a 90 year old man dancing with …

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Drinking Water

Here are some examples of the myriad benefits of drinking enough water. Essential to healthy living Helps with weight loss Significantly improves energy levels and brain function Helps maximize physical performance Lubricates our joints Delivers oxygen throughout the body Boosts skin health and beauty Regulates body temperature Helps maintain blood pressure . . . Just …

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Gratitude Visit

If you invest the time in this activity it is quite likely it will literally be one of the most memorable experiences of your entire life. FIRST – Think of someone (still living) that has had a particularly big impact in your life – family, friend, co-worker, teacher, etc. NEXT – Sit down and write …

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Hannah’s letters change people’s lives

We each have the opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of people around us. Most of us will have an influence for good for dozens or even hundreds of people. Watch this compelling video about how Hannah decided to reach out to someone in need in a way that not only changed …

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British Cycling – Can 1% better transform your life?

In 2003 Dave Brailsford initiated changes in British cycling that forever transformed British cycling on the world stage. In short, Brailsford started a path of improving the team by 1% in every conceivable aspect of their training in an approach he called the “Aggregation of Marginal Gains”. The result was transforming a team that was …

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What will your last 10 years look like?

Research has shown that people who follow a typical standard American diet and lifestyle will spend many years dying (maybe 10 or more) and only live into their 60’s or 70’s. Conversely, people who live a very healthy lifestyle will live into their 80’s and 90’s and may go to bed one night and just …

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Could 1% Better Change Your Life . . . Permanently?

In 2003 Dave Brailsford initiated changes in British cycling that dramatically transformed British cycling on the world stage. Read this excellent summary by behavior change expert James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. In short, Brailsford started a path of improving the team by 1% in every conceivable aspect of their training in an approach he …

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