Over 2,000 Weight Loss Success Stories

Fortunately there are literally tens of thousands of successful weight loss stories. The very best weight loss program is simply the one that you can follow and stick with consistently for many years. Unfortunately, finding that combination of things that will work for you is a big part of the challenge.

The following are collections of success stories from over 2,000 different people who have lost from 25 to several hundred pounds. These can give you some ideas of things to try as you discover what will be your big and permanent win.

Bright Line Eating Official Facebook Page. Bright Line Eating is one of the most successful long term weight loss eating approaches. Even the biggest weight loss programs like Weight Watchers (WW) do not provide easy access to the actual people who have achieved and sustained permanent weight loss. Join this Facebook group to get direct access to literally thousands of people that have lost from 30 pounds to over 200 pounds and sustained those results for 1, 2, 3 and even 7+ years. This is also an exceptional community for support.

Shapefit.com Shapefit has cataloged well over 500 weight loss success stories from tens of pounds to hundreds of pounds.

Experience Life. More than 150 excellent weight loss success stories.

Black Weight Loss Success – BlackWeightlossSuccess.com is the award winning official blog of the Black Women Losing Weight Community.

Huffington Post Weight Loss Success Stories – 80+ success stories documented by Huffington Post.

Prevention Weight Loss Success Stories

Fit and Well weight loss success stories

Best Life success stories

Nutrisystem success stories

Weight Watchers (WW) success stories

(This list was created nearly 5 years ago and is being reconstructed)

Over 2,000 success stories

If you have a success story to share or a great source of additional success stories, please let us know and we will add them to this list.

Some great videos with a variety of success stories